www.citrelay.com 763.535.2339
CIT Relay & Switch manufactures a broad array of RoHS compliant elec-
tromechanical automotive, telecom, security, industrial and HVAC relays
and switches. Our focus on rapid response customer service and qual-
ity, combined with cost effective manufacturing, makes us the favorite
choice for new design as well as second sourcing. CIT offers its burgeon-
ing customer base a flexible can do approach to relay and custom
switch design.
CIT Relay & Switch manufacturing incorporates ISO14001, ISO9001, cUL
and TÜV certification. Backed by thousands of workers dedicated to pro-
viding quick turn-around production of quality, cost effective electrome-
chanical relay and switch solutions.
Our test center capabilities include relay life testing to customer supplied
specifications for resistive load, inductive lamp load and horse power.
The CIT Test Center rapid turn-around Root Cause Failure Analysis Pro-
gram provides our customers immediate detailed insight.
We thank you for giving CIT Relay & Switch the opportunity to demon-
strate why so many are joining our growing list of satisfied customers,
customers who have come to rely on the service and quality provided by
CIT Relay & Switch.
Phone : 763.535.2339 Fax : 763.535.2194
14680 James Road, Rogers, Minnesota 55374 USA